State Partners
SIPS focuses on a consortium of six states: Nebraska, Alabama, Alaska, Montana, New York, and Wyoming. These state partners work in collaboration with project partners to create a bank of instructionally-embedded science assessment tasks aligned with an actionable performance scale and build state and local educators’ capacity to offer high-quality science instruction, evaluate students’ learning, and make data-based instructional decisions. Through their participation in this project, state partners gain greater clarity and capacity to interpret and utilize formative science assessments to produce information that is meaningful to all stakeholders. State partner participation is also an important service to other states, as SIPS resources and tools are meant to be accessible and generalizable to any state.
Get to know our state partners:

Nebraska Department of Education

Jeremy Heneger – Director of Assessment
Jeremy Heneger serves as the Director of Assessment and previously served as the Assistant Director for Statewide Assessment for the Nebraska Department of Education for six years. During that time, he oversaw test development, the alternate assessment program, classroom assessment supports, and accessibility supports. Mr. Heneger has played a key role in the development of the state’s new assessment system: Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS). He is working on his Doctorate in Education Leadership from Doane University, and previously served as a Curriculum Director and a high school English language arts teacher for several Nebraska districts.

Rhonda True – Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program Specialist

Trudy Clark – Assistant Director of Assessment
Trudy Clark is a retired educator who served students, staff, and communities for 36 years. For the past three years, she has worked with principals and other educators who are on track to obtain their specialists/doctorate degrees from Doane University. For the past 18 months, Dr. Clark had the rewarding experience of working at the State level in the NDE with educators throughout Nebraska.

Audrey Webb – Science Education Specialist
Audrey Webb has served as the Science Education Specialist at the Nebraska Department of Education since June 2020. Prior to her work at NDE, she taught high school physics, biology, and physiology in the San Francisco Unified School District. In addition, she was a member of the San Francisco Teaching Residency program, a program designed to train teacher candidates in equitable instruction and assessment, cultural relevance, and restorative practices. She holds a B.A. in Biology and Sociology from St. Olaf College (2011) and a Master of Education from Stanford University (2016).

Alabama State Department of Education

Amy Fowler Murphy – AMSTI Science Coordinator & AMSTI-ASIM Administrator

Sandy Ledwell – AMSTI Director

Alaska Department of Education and Early Development

Deborah Riddle – Division Operations Manager for the Innovation and Education Excellence (IEE) Division
Deborah Riddle has worked for the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) for the past 8 years in a variety of jobs: School Improvement program manager, math content specialist, Title I Administrator, CTE Administrator, Assessment Administrator, and now as the Division Operations Manager. She was born and raised in Alaska but moved to Montana for about 15 years, where she taught middle school math and science.

Kelly Manning – Assessments Administrator

Dr. Elizabeth Greninger – Assessments Administrator
Dr. Elizabeth Greninger is an Assessments Administrator for the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, supervising the administration of Alaska’s statewide assessment system. Over two decades, Dr. Greninger has taught in K-2 classrooms, led teacher preparation programming, and provided advising and technical support to states, school districts, and schools.

Montana Office of Public Instruction

Ashley McGrath – Assessment Director

Michelle McCarthy – Science Instructional Coordinator

Chris Noel – Assessment Specialist – Science

Katie Murnion – Assessment Specialist
Katie Murnion has taught science in the state of Montana for over four years. She has experience teaching a wide range of grades and topics, from 7th grade life science to 12th grade physics. She has a passion for science with a degree in Microbiology and a degree in Secondary Science Education from the University of Montana. She is excited to join the OPI Assessment Team and lend her science education expertise to the development and delivery of Montana’s science assessments. Katie is a midwestern transplant, living in Montana since high school with her family. She lives in Helena with her husband and two pet rabbits.

Colet Bartow – Teaching and Learning Senior Manager
Colet Bartow was the School Library Specialist in the Content Standards and Instruction division from 2007 to December 2016, before being hired as the Content Standards and Instruction Director. As of July 2020, she became the Senior Manager for the OPI Teaching and Learning Department, supervising Content Standards and Professional Learning, Career Technical and Adult Education (CTAE), and Assessment. Ms. Bartow spent 13 years as a teacher-librarian before joining the OPI in 2007. Colet completed her M. Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction at Montana State University, and B.A. in English with endorsements in secondary English, School Library Media, and English as a Second Language at the University of Montana. Her first computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80. Her first job in a library was as a third-grade student.

New York State Education Department

Zachary Warner – Director of State Assessment, Office of State Assessment

Shannon Logan – NYSED Director of Standards, Instruction, and Educational Technology

Nicole Marschilok – Science Associate, Instructional Services

Megan Kinmartin – Science Associate, Instructional Services

Wyoming Department of Education

Barb Marquer – Supervisor of Standards
Barb Marquer has been with the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) for five years. In her first year, she was the science standards consultant. Ms. Marquer has been Supervisor of Standards for the last 4 years. Prior to WDE, she was a Registered Nurse for 15 and served in a DOD STEM program for 9 years.

Laurie Hernandez – Director of Standards and Assessment