Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)
To ensure the overall quality of SIPS processes and deliverables, a team of technical advisory panelists will convene at key points throughout the project to articulate feedback, commendations, and recommendations for project and state partners. Project leadership matches panelists’ experience and expertise to the development of specific deliverables to yield informed, active, and formative feedback from panelists that can be used to improve project outputs.
The SIPS TAP includes:

Aneesha Badrinarayan, M.S.
Aneesha Badrinarayan, M.S., is a senior advisor at the Learning Policy Institute. Her work focuses on supporting states, districts, and educators to develop and implement student-centered systems of assessment that support all learners. She has led several multi-state teams to redefine “alignment” in the era of new state standards; developed criteria for innovative assessments; provided professional learning state leaders; and conducted analyses of efforts to design and implement performance assessments and systems of assessment in science.

Chad Buckendahl, Ph.D.
Chad Buckendahl, Ph.D., is a Partner with ACS Ventures, LLC. His research interests include standard setting, test evaluation, and validity. Dr. Buckendahl has designed and led numerous validation studies. He currently serves on multiple TACs; editorial boards for peer-reviewed journals; and on volunteer committees for the Association of Test Publishers, Institute for Credentialing Excellence and National Council on Measurement in Education.

Kristen Huff, Ph.D.
Kristen Huff, Ph.D., currently serves as Vice President of Assessment and Research at Curriculum Associates, Inc. She is a member of the board of directors for the National Council of Measurement in Education and serves as associate editor for Applied Measurement in Education. Dr. Huff has two decades of experience in standards-aligned assessment design, evaluation, educational measurement, and psychometric research.

Suzanne Lane, Ph.D.

Ric Luecht, Ph.D.

Paul Nichols, Ph.D.

David Pugalee, Ph.D.

Christina Schneider, Ph.D.